

Calla Rose Ostrander

Author and Narrator: Calla Rose Ostrander is a Waldorf graduate and studied International Political Economy at the University of Puget Sound. She grew up with adults who were ecologists, physicists, and geologists and received her early science education through weeks long field trips restoring ecosystems, mapping subterranean structures with electromagnetic resonance, and visiting the National Laboratories in Boulder, Colorado. Calla Rose plays cello is a volunteer DJ at her local public radio station, KVNF and is a science communicator and writer. She works an independent advisor for governments, individuals and communities on nature based climate solutions, environmental policy and economic development.

Kori Stanton

Producer: Kori Stanton is a Paonia Colorado native and grew up on the Western Slope. A strong sense of ‘Community’ was instilled from the very beginning as her father, Campbell Stanton, is the original Founder of KVNF. She is an award winner producer for several public radio productions, a professional photographer, music and concert producer and in her spare time makes hats with vintage equipment and cares for her flock of chickens on her family farm Stanton Farms.